Family Radio CHRI

The Wednesday Bookmark

Discover new books each Wednesday

9:00am EST on the Morning Express, Brock Tozer will highlight a new non-fiction title
4:30pm EST on the Home Stretch, Care Baldwin will share something new for kids, youth, or young adults.

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Making Work @ Home Work

makingworkathomework.jpgBrock interviews author Mary Byers on "Making Work @ Home Work" on May 6th. Learn how to save 20% off the purcahse of this book!


If you missed this interview or would like to hear it again, click here.

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50 People Every Christian Should Know

50_people.jpgApril 29th, Brock interviews Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe on his book "50 People Every Christian Should Know".
Listen to the interview again and learn how to save 20% off the purchase of this book, here.


Click here for last week's author interview, "The Husband Project".


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The Husband Project

husband_project.jpgBrock interviews Kathi Lipp, author of "The Husband Project: 21 Days of Loving Your Man -- on Purpose and with a Plan" April 22nd. Find out how to save 20% the purchase of this book!


If you missed this week's interview or would like to hear it again, click here.




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This Is Your Brain On Joy

your_brain_on_joy.jpgWhat does your brain have to do with experiencing joy? Brock interviewed Dr. Earl Henslin, author of "This Is Your Brain On Joy", on the Weekly Author Interview, April 15th. To find out how to save 20% on the purchase of this book, or to listen to the interview, Click here.


If you missed the interview with Pastor Kerry Shook, of "One Month to Live", or want to hear it again, you can listen to it here.

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What Your Daughter Isn’t Telling You

what_your_daughter_isnt_te.jpgMay 13th, Brock interviews Kathy Gowler, co-author of "What Your Daughter Isn't Telling You" for expert insight into the world of teen girls. Click here to find out how to save 20% off the purchase of this book!


If you missed this interview or would like to hear it again, click here.


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