Family Radio CHRI


Trip & Tyler & Catalyst

As a younger-ish generation Christian I am excited to connect & hear about Christians tapping into what makes my generation and younger tick. I recently came across an incredible organization called Catalyst. I'm sure a bunch of you have heard of this group but for those of you who have not prepare to be excited.   

Catalyst was conceived as a Next Generation Leaders Conference in 1999 by Andy Stanley, Reggie Joiner, John Maxwell, Lanny Donoho and several young leaders.

Catalyst was created to meet the felt need that existed within the church leader space for a leadership event that was focused on a new generation of church leaders. I personally wasn't able to attend Catalyst 2010 that took place October 6th-8th in Atlanta, Georgia but I am working on it for 2011!! It is currently the largest gathering of young leaders in North America. Self-described as more than just a three-day event - it's a movement, a convergence, an experience where you find yourself fully immersed in learning, worship, and creativity. Catalyst brings people together - the influencers, the do-ers, the cultural architects, and the change agents who will reclaim our communities and culture for good.

I followed along online during the 3 days and have been reading recaps on various blogs such as: Brad Lomenick, Lindsey Nobles & Meredith Dunn

I also happened to come upon a hilarious video created by comedian duo (these guys are truly funny Christians), Trip & Tyler, (who work for Catalyst but also do stuff on their own) that deputed at this year's Catalyst conference. If you subscribe to our newsletter the video, featuring a popular artist we play, will be included in the Novembers edition. Wait, you don't subscribe? Then sign up here. In the mean time you can check out what I think may be my second favourite video by the guys:

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