Family Radio CHRI


27 Million

ashley_10027 million, the number of children, women & men who do not own their freedom, who do not have control over when they come & go, what they do day in & day out & when they would like to stop.


Today, December 2nd, is the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery.  The focus of this day is on eradicating contemporary forms of slavery, such as trafficking in persons, sexual exploitation, child labour, forced marriage, and the forced recruitment of children for use in armed conflict.  But what does this mean to you & me?

6 years ago I travelled to Bangkok with YWAM.  This was my first time in Asia.  I had no idea what to expect when the YWAM staff member announced we would be leaving the base at 10pm and heading down to the red light district.  Like jumping into cold water, we were surrounded by bright lights and intoxicated men from around the world.  We heard stories of women who travelled from their village to the big city for a good job and found their hopes shattered by being forced to give away their bodies day & night with no sign of an exit.  Stories of abuse, manipulation, and brokenness.

My heart & mind was broken that day for the children, women and men who find themselves travpped in one of the many forms of human trafficking.  I prayed that God would use me to bring awareness to this issue.  That I would have the courage yp tell my friends & family what I saw in Bangkok.  To share about the horrors of control and power happening in most countries, including our beautiful Canada.  Don't belive me?  Police arrested a 21 year old TODAY in Cambridge, Ontario on charges of human trafficking.

Use the interactive tool, Products of Slavery map to see slavery from a global perspective.  Or read about the recent London case of women held in domestic slavery for 30 years – slavery happens on our doorstep too.  Slavery is intertwined into the daily experiences of our lives. For example, much of the cotton from Uzbekistan is picked by children and adults forced to do so by their government. This ends up in our high street shops and it's probable that you own an item made from that cotton.

Will you use your resources, talents & voice, no matter how big or small, to share these stories?  YOU have influence.  YOU can be the difference.  Take the next step to be an ambassador against slavery.  Join me at the Ottawa End Slavery Day 2013 event tonight!

Date: Monday, December 2nd

Time: 7 - 9pm

Location: Bronson Centre – 211 Bronson Ave.

Tickets: $5 Student / $10 Adult purchase at

Details: An educational evening about the global epidemic of modern day slavery.  Take a guided tour of the world’s continents, each focusing on a different form of trafficking. There will also be local vendors selling products helping you to become an informed shopper, and learning about fair trade goods.  Door prizes & home baked goods.  Coffee, juice and tea are complimentary. 


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