Family Radio CHRI


Miracle Baby - incredible story

Last night was the Newsboys concert & it was amazing! Those guys are full of energy and Michael Tait, the boy's new lead singer, stepped it up.

Opening for the show was Audio Adrenaline's new project "Know Hope Collective".  Like many others, I was really not sure what to expect from the guys but they blew me away.

Mark and Will were raw and vulnerable with the audience, sharing the struggles they personally and as a band have gone through over the past few years.

One story Mark shared was incredibly powerful ...


In 2004 Audio Adrenaline started that Hands and Feet Project which exists to care for orphans and abandoned children of the world with the love of Christ. This project began with an orphanage in Haiti. This is one example of how God is using this project. (side note: Mark's parents live and work at the orphanage in Haiti). I have taken this excerpt from the Hands & Feet blog (it was written by Mark's Dad):

July 2007: I was just settling in for the rest of our worship service when the cell phone rang. I was shocked because I have never received a call at church before. It was DJ, a UN policeman from the states, and a close friend of Hands and Feet Project. His words were, "Drex, I need your help. A young mother has given birth to a baby and tossed it down a 28 feet deep toilet. We have removed the baby but need a doctor badly." This began an all day ordeal ending with us at the hospital where Rood and Roodly spent several days. The little infant was cleaned up and the Doctor wanted to keep her in the hospital for 3 or 4 days just to observe her. Michelle and Kim stayed the first night. Michelle and Patti are staying tonight (7-9-2007) as I write this. We ended up spending the entire day Monday at the Jail, police station and the offices of the Justice of the Peace (really the Judge for the area). The young mother was brought in and was totally unconcerned about the baby or what she had done. The Justice of the Peace gave Hands and Feet Project full rights to the baby. She is now ours and will be released from the hospital Wednesday morning. A policeman from the station (no doubt a believer) gave us the first name for the baby. He said Christ must have been there for her. So The three words for Christ was there would be Christela. Her last name is in honor of Audio Adrenaline's song "Beautiful". This word translates "Belle". Keep praying that we will always be here and ready to take children that no one wants or can take care of!! Don't forget to pray for the mother, she certainly has a rough way to go and needs the Lord!

After sharing this beautiful story Mark told everyone that next month he will be adopting Christela!! I don't think there was a dry-eye in the building. :) God works in the most amazing ways.

Here's a picture of Christela now, what a beauty!



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