Family Radio CHRI

New Power of One National TV Commercials

Family Radio CHRI 99.1fm is proud to partner with Godzspeed Communications to produce this 30-second TV commercial in support of The Power of One.


Watch for it on CTSTV, VisionTV and GraceTV starting today!


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Ottawa Food Bank Photo Contest

po1_ofb-logo_smSubmit a photo that best shows off the beauty of Ottawa/Gatineau. The winner will have their picture made into a print and displayed in a gallery for a silent auction on Feb 23. The proceeds go to The Ottawa Food Bank. (submission deadline February 16th)

Enter on Facebook here, or "Read more" for further info.


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147 Meals Later

Jeff-ShinabargerCould you survive if you didn't buy groceries at all this month? Jeff Shinabarger from Plywood People thinks so...because he did.

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National TV Commercial

What is The Power of One?

Ottawa's Family Radio CHRI has launched The Power of One as a new Social Justice Initiative to inform and encourage you to discover ways you can stand up and make a difference in your community and in your world... because one person CAN do great things!


The purpose is to inform all generations of the issues around us... in our Nation and more specifically, in our community.

"I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing." - Genesis 12:2 (NIV)

A recent study shows that people born between 1982 and 2000 (Millennials) are the most civic-minded and it shows an increase over other generations (GenX and Baby Boomers) in the belief in a just world and in influencing social values. This generation has also seen an increase in the desire to be a leader and "make a difference"
We have been created with a need to Believe in something, Become someone, and Belong somewhere – but we don't all know where God has gifted or called us.
Stay connected here at to find ways God can use you, and believe that one person CAN make a difference!


For questions, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About hunger in Canada

po1_hunger_boxMany people do not realize the extent of hunger's reach in this country. Each month, close to 900,000 Canadians are assisted by food banks, and 38% of those helped are children and youth.

The problem of hunger is a persistent one, with food banks providing comparable levels of food and other assistance for the better part of a decade.

Who is turning to food banks? ...


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Don't wait to be led – lead.

882,188 Canadians access their local food bank each month.

God commands us to love our neighbour... Look for an opportunity to help in your community.
Find out who is helping feed your neighbours then help them. If there is no one, then it has to be you.

Click here to find an agency in your community.

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